Best Beers for Fall

beers for fall
October 17, 2022

Nothing is better than an ice-cold beer with cooler weather! Grab a flannel, a friend, and these 3 beers to celebrate the fall season: 

Hi-Wire Zirkusfest Oktoberfest 

This traditional Märzen boasts all the flavors one wants in a rich Oktoberfest lager without the heavy finish. The use of Munich malt provides upfront biscuity and honey flavors that fade into a dry finish.

Harpoon UFO Pumpkin 

The Harpoon UFO Pumpkin is easy-drinking and has a clean finish with lingering notes of cinnamon and nutmeg. This beer is perfect for the fall, including a blend of seasonal spices that pairs well with real pumpkin puree.

Common Bond Zelda Blonde 

The Common Bond Zelda Blonde is a flavorful ale that is crisp and fizzy. This easy-drinking ale is best served for a fall picnic or a relaxing afternoon outdoors.

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